How to Play 1080p 720p MKV Video File on Mac OS X
I have been trying to play some video clips in .wmv on Mac, but it seems that the wmv format can't be accepted, I try to open it with QuickTime, it says quick time does not recognize the file. I have OS X 10.12
Windows Media Video (.wmv), a type of compressed video file format, is one of several standard formats available today. It is developed by Microsoft and commonly used in a variety of Windows-based players. For easy sharing via the Internet and Email, WMV files are also popular among other platforms other than Windows. Mac users will sometimes run into content in WMV format they want to play WMV on Mac. Unfortunately, the included tools for audio and video playback on the Mac are not able to play .WMV files. Luckily, there are a few different ways you can go about watching WMV files on Mac. Today we take a look at what might be the easiest way to play WMV videos on MacOS.
There are a lot of programs out there capable of getting the job done for you. Video Converter for Mac is just such a great file conversion application available for you. It takes advantage of your Mac's multi-core processor and convert the WMV video file(s) on Mac at a time quickly. It can convert the more widely used containers like AVI, MOV, MKV, MP4, MTS etc. Once the file(s) converted, your will works them with your QuickTime, iPhones, iPads, iMovie, FCPX and many other iOS devices and apps.
The tool includes a group of presets that simplify the process of choosing output settings. If you want to convert WMV files exclusively for any of the devices listed in the preset list, simply click on that device.
Related Article: How to convert WMV video to M4V file on a Mac
Basic Steps
Flip4Mac, the "Windows Media Components for QuickTime" is a free collection of QuickTime components that lets you play Microsoft Silverlight file and WMV file on Mac, either through QuickTime Player or right in your browser.
Download and install Flip4Mac. This Microsoft-designed application attaches itself to QuickTime. You don't notice the application once installed, but when WMV files are activated, they play directly through QuickTime, instead of prompting a message stating the software is unable to read the file. Double-click the WMV file. It will now automatically play WMV in Mac QuickTime media player.
[Update! Flip4Mac currently supports only Mac OS X 10.6.8 thru 10.11.6, if you're running a higher MacOS, this method could not be for you.]
Windows Media Player 9 for Mac can play both local and streamed WMA and WMV files on a Mac. It's free of charge.
Download and install Windows Media Player for Mac. To view the WMV file, just launch the media player, select "File," "Open", choose the WMV file and click "OK" to load the movie. Click the "Play" button on the bottom of the screen and the video file begins to play.
[Update! Windows Media Player for Mac is no longer available, and Microsoft actually recommends Flip4mac, which we mentioned in Method 2, on their own website as a alternative for it. We strongly recommend that you download VLC media player from VideoLAN. It's an open-source application and free of charge, letting you play almost anything on the Mac.]
Download VLC for Mac here: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html
Read Next: How to burn a WMV video onto DVD for playback on big TV
The 3 methods list above will give you good experience at playing WMV movies on MacOS. If you prefer to transfer the WMV to other Apple products, like iPhone, iPad, iMovie, FCP or other popular devices which can't support WMV format, Video Converter for Mac would hand the video conversion well.